Monday, 10 December 2018

Famous Events all over the world II- 6ºB

Hello everyone,

We are Isabela, María and Iván and we are gonna talk about the new project we make in class of English.
Is about Famous Events All Over The World.
We talk about Ireland, St Patrick's Day.
The project it was very funny and we   enjoy it a lot, it was a very participating work.
We use Chromebooks and a carper so we can write the work on it and we do a lot of drawings.
The work was about Ireland, St Patrick´s, like I was saying.
Then we made a presentation about it.
The presentation was great, it was easy to explain and I think we do it well.
Thanks for read it.
I hope you like it.
Have a good day.

Famous Events all over the World- 6ºB

Hello everyone we are Marcos,Lucas and Eva :-)

This week we have been working on a project called famous events all over the world:

First we chose a country then we searched for information in google and then we wrote it on the poster.

We looked for:
-The day
-The country-The continent                                      
-What is the party about

Famous Events all over the World- 6ºC

Hello we are Natalia and Daniela and we are going to explain
the project of (famous events all over world).

The all class we were preparing this project around 5 days
In this project we have to include:
-explain what does it consist on.
We was doing posters with drawings and all  this information.
Each group do a poster of a famous event of a country for example of Greece, China, etc…
Ours poster is of the day of the child in all the world

The poster of Carlos and Hector is of the Clean Monday in Greece.

The poster of Carolina,Paula and Maria G is of Australia christmas in Australia.

The poster of Lucas p, Biel and Lucas G is of Nebuta Matsuri in Japan.

The poster of Maria A, Africa and Teresa is of Chinese New Year in China.

The poster of Eric and Alex New York Christmas in New York.

Recipe and Video

Hi 6th graders, here you have the instructions to do your recipe and video. Click on the link and follow the steps . 

Remember you have to hand it to me by Thursday 20th December. 

You can send the video to my email address ( or share it with me by DRIVE. 

Both, the recipe and the video, are part of your evaluation.
Try your best!!

Past Simple- Regular Verbs Review

Ya hemos repasado el verbo to be y ahora nos vamos a poner manos a la obra con el pasado simple, su uso y los verbos regulares.

En el siguiente cuadro explicativo, podéis ver como se forma el pasado simple comparándolo con el presente simple.

Present Tense vs Past Tense Summary Chart

Es muy importante saber como responder con preguntas cortas:
Short answers using DID in English
En el siguiente vídeo se explica tanto la forma afirmativa, como la interrogativa y negativa.

En los siguiente enlaces, tenéis la explicación gramatical de como se forma, tanto en oraciones afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas.

Después podemos ver un vídeo con el llamado pattern chant, que nos ayudará a integrar cómo se utiliza el pasado simple.

Pero, y ¿cómo pronunciamos las diferentes terminaciones en -ed? Con estos dos vídeos, lo tendréis muy claro.

Short answers activity

Regular verbs activity:

Y para finalizar, ejercicios por niveles, todos los que queráis:

También os dejo este genial mapa mental resumiendo todo lo que hemos visto. Una idea estupenda sería tenerlo impreso en casa para que en las siguientes semanas, lo tengáis presente siempre que le echéis un ojo. 

Thanks everybody!